Petition for 学费的分类

有关校董会的学费分类和豁免政策,请参阅 see the University System of Georgia Policy.

Verification of Lawful Presence

美国政府机构可以授予州外学费差异豁免,并对州内学费进行评估 tuition for certain non-Georgia residents under the conditions listed below. 尽管 本政策的任何规定,任何人都不能凭所要求的证据证明 在美国合法居住的学生有资格获得学费减免 微分. Institutions shall comply with the procedures governing the award of 州外学费减免由学术常务副校长制定 Affairs and Chief Academic Officer. The definition of residency status is contained 在校董会 政策4.3.

Petition for Georgia Residency

Petition for Classification of Students for 学费 Purposes (PDF)

那些因学费原因被归类为州外的学生相信 提交补充资料可能会改变可能作出的决定 上述申请和证明文件要求重新分类 给州内居民. Students are encouraged to read the entire policy regarding eligibility for a change in residency status located on the form. 请愿书应该 同时提交所有必要的文件,这样就可以做出决定 can be accurately rendered. Additionally, students are encouraged to submit as much 他/她认为支持州内学费要求所必需的文件 分类. The burden of proof of documentation of the residency situation ultimately 由学生决定. Additional documentation to support the petition may be requested by the 学费的分类 Officer. 


在某些情况下,学生可能不符合成为居民的资格要求 of Georgia and be assessed in-state tuition; however, they may be eligible for an out-of-state tuition waiver.  Unlike the Petition for 学费的分类, waivers 是否在一段有限的时间内有效,通常是连续12个月或更长时间 as the student remains continuously enrolled. Students approved to receive a waiver 仍然被归类为非居民,但他们的学费的外州部分 will be waived by the Business Office. Once the waiver expires or the student has a break in enrollment, he/she will return to being charged out-of-state tuition. It 学生是否有责任选择适合自己的表格 独特的情况,并提交必要的文件,以支持所选择的豁免. 所有豁免申请和文件必须提交给注册主任办公室 for evaluation and a decision will be rendered. Students are notified of the decision via an email delivered letter. Listed below are the potential Out-of-State 学费 豁免 a student may qualify for:


住在艾肯或埃奇菲尔德的十大正规网投平台校区的学生可以获得豁免 county, South Carolina; please see the full policy information located on the form 以上.


边境州弃权书s: Undergraduate students domiciled in another state bordering Georgia subject to the following conditions. Each year, the Chancellor shall review 每个USG机构的入学人数,以确定是否有任何USG机构 是否有足够的过剩产能来增加周边地区的招生 州. 大法官是否应该判定存在激活边境居民的理由 弃权书,校长或其指定人员将向 Board of Regents’ Committee on Academic Affairs for approval. 如果一个机构 给予给予边境居民豁免的许可,它将被允许这样做 for the next three academic years. Any undergraduate students receiving the Border 居民豁免将保持资格的豁免,只要他或她是连续 在授予豁免的机构的秋季和春季学期注册.

  • 注意:一旦豁免申请到您的帐户,您仍将被分类 作为乔治亚州的非居民:但是,您的帐户将反映 州内学费.


豁免适用于U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents and other Eligible Non-Citizens (独立或独立的学生)能够提供清晰和令人信服的证据 that the student (or student's parents) relocated to Georgia to accept full-time, self-sustaining employment; please see the full policy information located on the 形式上面.  


豁免适用于乔治亚州公立学校或技术学校的全职员工 College System of Georgia, their spouses and/or their dependent children; please see the full policy information located 在上面的表格上.



这 waiver applies to the following:

Active Duty 军事 Personnel, their spouses and their dependent children who meet one of the following:

  1. The military sponsor is currently stationed in or assigned to Georgia;
  2. The military sponsor previously stationed in or assigned to Georgia is reassigned 在乔治亚州以外,且该学生继续在乔治亚州的某所学校就读 高中,乔治亚州技术学院系统和/或大学系统 佐治亚大学;
  3. 军事担保人被调到格鲁吉亚以外,配偶和/或受抚养人 children remain in Georgia;
  4. 军事赞助者驻扎在一个毗邻格鲁吉亚边境的州 现居乔治亚州;
  5. 以前驻扎在格鲁吉亚或被派往格鲁吉亚的军事赞助人的受抚养子女 在过去的五年内或孩子至少完成了一年的高中教育 in Georgia; or
  6. 任何利用退伍军人事务部教育福利的学生 military member is also eligible; please see the full policy information located on 上面的表单.


Active Members of the Georgia National Guard stationed or assigned to Georgia or active members of a unit of the U.S. 军事 Reserves based in Georgia, and their spouses and/or their dependent children; please see the full policy information located 在上面的表格上.  


Separated 军事 Members 符合下列条件之一的美国军队服役人员:

  1. 在离职三十六(36)个月之内的个人,可以注册 in an academic program and demonstrate intent to become domiciled in Georgia. 这 waiver may also be granted to their spouses and dependent children; or
  2. 任何退伍军人或任何利用退伍军人转移教育福利的学生, 并且实际居住在该州,并且在分离后的120个月内注册; or
  3. Any individual as described in 38 U.S.C. 3679(c); please see the full policy information located 在上面的表格上.


​Waiver applies to students under 24 whose parent or U.S. court-appointed legal guardian 在格鲁吉亚保持住所至少连续12个月 在即将到来的学期开始之前,可以提供清晰和令人信服的证据 showing the relationship to the parent or U.S. court-appointed legal guardian OR a 学生年龄在24岁或以上,提供明确的法律证据证明关系 配偶在格鲁吉亚居住至少连续12个月 preceding the start of an upcoming term; please see the full policy information located 在上面的表格上. 


豁免适用于满足以下三种要求之一的学生:学术, Athletic and 国际; please see the full policy information 在上面的表格上. 请参阅 总统放弃 Policy 了解更多信息.


Waiver applies to teachers employed full-time on military bases in Georgia; please see the full policy and requirements located 在上面的表格上. 


豁免适用于十大正规网赌平台的全职员工及其配偶 and their dependent children; please see the full policy and requirements located 在上面的表格上.





​Waiver applies to State of Georgia residents, 62 years of age or older; please see the full policy and requirements located 在上面的表格上.