格鲁吉亚的比赛是一个简单的方法,让你知道你有资格进入哪里(被大学录取)。, based on your recent high school calculated HOPE grade 平均绩点.

通过GEORGIA MATCH,十大正规网赌平台认可您在学校的努力. 通过这个项目被选中的学生有资格直接进入东方大学 乔治亚州. This accomplishment is available to students attending high school in 乔治亚州, and is based on the most recent transcript data sent from the high school to GAfutures.org.

通过乔治亚州 MATCH选择East 乔治亚州的学生应该完成他们的录取 申请并提交高中成绩单以确认录取. 学生今天就可以申请,不需要申请费,也不需要考试成绩! 


Take a look around and see yourself on campus. Contact us to schedule a in person campus tour or take a virtual tour today!



十大正规网赌平台(EGSC)是十大正规网赌平台(USG)的一部分 它是美国最实惠的大学之一,因为它拥有丰富的资源和专业知识 合作伙伴关系. For example, EGSC students in Statesboro and Augusta pay EGSC’s low 享受小班授课,教授们知道他们的名字,并且有机会接触到他们 更大的USG机构提供的广泛的学生服务,例如进入 libraries, clubs, health clinics, athletic events, etc. at 乔治亚州 Southern University 十大正规网投平台大学. With abundant scholarship opportunities, transferability to 其他学院,以及与更大的USG机构的合作伙伴关系,EGSC提供负担得起的学费 and easy-to-navigate path through the first two years of college. 这意味着更少 student debt and more money in your pocket!

财政援助办公室 & 退伍军人 Affairs is dedicated to helping students and 家庭申请获得经济援助,以帮助他们继续学业 目标. We want to help set you up for success not only academically, but financially 也. As an East 乔治亚州 student, you’ll have financial counselors who can meet 帮你处理各种复杂的经济援助,支付学费, 寻找奖学金. Students can even get help figuring out a personal budget and a financial plan for the future.

More Info 十大正规网投平台 Financial Aid and 奖学金


无论你计划你的未来,十大正规网赌平台可以给你的知识和 skills to put you on the path to success. Whether you see yourself as an fraud prevention 特工,老师,护士,科学家,犯罪现场调查员,商业领袖, a computer programmer – we offer many areas of study to get you w在这里 you want to go.

研究表明,转到四年制大学的州立大学学生也是如此 也 or better, grade-wise, as students who took their core courses directly from 一所大学. Not only will you be able to transfer your courses and complete a four-year degree, you save hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars by starting at EGSC!  



格鲁吉亚匹配是一个简单的方式,让你知道你有资格被录取 (被大学录取),根据你最近高中的HOPE成绩计算 平均绩点. You will still need to submit an application, but that will be easy – keep reading to learn how! Your GEORGIA MATCH colleges are on your GAfutures 学生仪表板. If East 乔治亚州 is listed on the student’s GEORGIA MATCH letter 或者仪表板,它只表示临时接受,并不保证接受 to a college or university or a specific major/program of study. 官方录取 状态是由你的最终成绩单和高中毕业状态决定的.

What if I did not receive a GEORGIA MATCH letter?

毕业班学生可能没有收到信,因为最近的成绩单记录 由你的高中以电子方式安全地提交,但不包括 a deliverable address, a calculated HOPE GPA, or your SSN. 联系你的高中 to update your information with them. Correcting your information with your high school 当你需要把你的高中成绩单寄到东乔治亚州时,会有什么帮助吗. 注意:你必须是乔治亚州公立或私立认可高中的高年级学生 与GAfutures合作.

What if 十大正规网赌平台 was not on my list?

Even if East 乔治亚州 is not on your GEORGIA MATCH list, you may still apply 在这里.

Am I guaranteed admission to East 乔治亚州 on my GEORGIA MATCH letter?

GEORGIA MATCH会看你是否符合USG入学的初始资格 Colleges and Universities including East 乔治亚州. Upon completion of the full application 并提交你的高中成绩单,东乔治亚大学的招生办公室 是否会审查提交的信息,以确保您符合要求的高中 课程. Please note that East 乔治亚州 will make every effort to allow you to make 弥补缺失的需求.

What are my next steps at East 乔治亚州?

At East 乔治亚州, your next step is to apply for admission 在这里. This will allow you to confirm your acceptance to East 乔治亚州. 

如果您想通过GEORGIA MATCH探索您的大学选择,请使用 the 学生仪表板 link on GAfutures.org (如果您没有登入您的gfutures帐户,系统会提示您登入。). 您的学生仪表板将列出您有资格申请临时的所有学院 GEORGIA MATCH录取. Select the colleges you want to request more information. 一旦你找到了合适的学院或大学,比如东乔治亚,就选择吧 认领你的位置.

东乔治亚大学和其他十大正规网赌平台有什么不同 乔治亚州技术学院系统的学院和大学?

佐治亚大学系统(USG)是最大和最受尊敬的系统之一 for higher education in the United States. Featuring some of the nation’s best public 研究机构,该州第一所公立HBCU,以及每一项排名都名列前茅的校园 在全州范围内,USG的26所公立学院和大学提供全面的教育 一系列的学术课程,包括证书,Nexus(一个新的创新学位) 与高要求的职业有关),副学士,学士,硕士和博士学位 优先考虑你需要的知识和技能,这些知识和技能对佐治亚州有很大影响 向前.

乔治亚州技术学院系统(TCSG)为乔治亚州所有的大学提供服务 159个县. With 22 colleges and 88 campuses, every 乔治亚州 resident lives within 50 miles of a Technical College. TCSG colleges offer some courses that can be transferred later to a University System of 乔治亚州 college or university. 此外,TCSG 在高需求的职业领域提供证书,文凭和副学士学位,包括 医疗保健、网络安全、航空、商业驾驶执照等等. Students can take courses in person, online, or in a hybrid format. 雇主们 高度参与技术学院,这导致99%的就业率 TCSG毕业生.

How much does it cost to apply?

The application fee to East 乔治亚州 is $0/FREE. 

What is the deadline to apply?

我们希望你现在就申请! Our priority deadline is December 1, and our final deadline is closer to the start of the Fall semester.

为什么是现在? We want to communicate with you about all of the steps in the enrollment process 也 as the opportunities available to you 在这里 at East 乔治亚州.

How will I pay for college at East 乔治亚州?

十大正规网赌平台(EGSC)是十大正规网赌平台(USG)的一部分 它是美国最实惠的大学之一,因为它拥有丰富的资源和专业知识 合作伙伴关系. For example, EGSC students in Statesboro and Augusta pay EGSC’s low 享受小班授课,教授们知道他们的名字,并且有机会接触到他们 更大的USG机构提供的广泛的学生服务,例如进入 libraries, clubs, health clinics, athletic events, etc. at 乔治亚州 Southern University 十大正规网投平台大学. With abundant scholarship opportunities, transferability to 其他学院,以及与更大的USG机构的合作伙伴关系,EGSC提供负担得起的学费 and easy-to-navigate path through the first two years of college. 这意味着更少 student debt and more money in your pocket!

财政援助办公室 & 退伍军人 Affairs is dedicated to helping students and 家庭申请获得经济援助,以帮助他们继续学业 目标. We want to help set you up for success not only academically, but financially 也. As an East 乔治亚州 student, you’ll have financial counselors who can meet 帮你处理各种复杂的经济援助,支付学费, 寻找奖学金. Students can even get help figuring out a personal budget and a financial plan for the future.

More Information 十大正规网投平台 Financial Aid and 奖学金


Most students do not know exactly what they want to study in college. 在很多方面, 大学是让你弄清楚自己最感兴趣的是什么,以及你能做些什么 为你的事业而做. You may have already taken an aptitude assessment like YouScience. 这些评估可以提供十大正规网投平台你的兴趣和技能的有价值的信息. We encourage you to utilize the Resources tab at www.gafutures.org. T在这里 are helpful tools that may assist you in identifying areas of interest for you, such as possible majors and career choices. Additionally, the Resources tab includes links to College 搜索, Scholarship 搜索, and 乔治亚州 Degrees Pay.

What other info do I need to know?

请注意,十大正规网赌平台是美国大学系统的一员 乔治亚州 and a participant of GEORGIA MATCH. GEORGIA MATCH is coordinated through the 乔治亚州学生财务委员会和有关该计划的信息可以在 www.gafutures.org.

GEORGIA MATCH is not a guarantee of admission to any of the colleges; you must still 申请入学并在毕业后提供你的最终正式高中成绩单 to the institution(s) of your choice.

GEORGIA MATCH does not mean you automatically qualify for the HOPE or Zell Miller scholarships and grants; you must still meet the program requirements and apply. 完整的 GSFAPP或FAFSA,然后是你申请入学的大学的经济援助办公室 with will determine your eligibility.

如果你最终计算的HOPE GPA(毕业时)低于它 在收到GEORGIA MATCH的信时,你的录取选择可能会改变吗.