Adopted by Academic 政策 and Curriculum Committee 10/8/18 


In fall 2017, Michigan State University noted in 谈话 that it is critical to put students at the “center” to increase retention and reduce 缓刑和退学. Many institutions require midterm grades and, although there is not always a correlation between midterm grades and success in a course, midterm grades provide an early alert to students who may be at risk for failure. 

EGSC is committed to student success and to implementing a wide array of early alert 干预程序. 这 policy supports the EGSC Early Alert policy, which established alert reporting in Grades First for two or more absences from class and notification to the EGSC retention team. 这 policy expands on the early alert policy 通过建立 要求 报告时间表 midterm grades and Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory progress reports at punctuated points in the term for all courses, as outlined below, to keep students informed about their progress at key points in the semester so as to ensure success. 

这 policy applies to all full-term, mini-term, and summer term courses on all EGSC campuses and off-campus instructional sites. It replaces the former process for entering “midterm grades” or “5-week grades” in Banner Web, outlined in the faculty handbook 从2017年开始. 


教员被要求管理 分级作业 prior to the progress report and midterm grades reports for each term that are sufficient to be able to enter a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade for progress reports prior to the midterm (on the schedule outlined below) and a 信等级 for the midterm 成绩(按以下时间表). 


In order to foster student success, it is crucial that students have a place where they can see their up-to-date grades posted. 为此,教员是必需的 to post up-to-date grades regularly in the college’s learner management system, D2L, or in an integrated learning tool, such as My Math Lab, using a combination of both formative and summative assessments so that students may track their progress. 这 enables students to better track their progress and works to support the intended outcome of midterm grades and progress reports. 

The Associate Dean for 网络学习 provides training in D2L. 所有的新教员都将 要求 to attend at least one training for D2L. Specific training for the D2L gradebook functions will be available for all faculty members via video and in-person workshops. 


All faculty will enter progress report and midterm grades in GradesFirst, as outlined below, for every course offered on any EGSC campus/off-campus instructional site. 

Progress reports will be entered 所有学生 in all core curriculum courses. Progress reports are optional for students in 3000 and 4000 level courses. 

Midterm grades will be entered 所有学生. 


Four-Week Progress Report: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory 

By week four of a full-length term, faculty members must indicate whether a student is currently performing at a satisfactory or unsatisfactory level. 这是可以做到的 by entering an “S” (Satisfactory/Successful) or “U” (Unsatisfactory/Unsuccessful) 所有学生 via a link generated in GradesFirst 由电子学习副院长主持. 链接将 被送到… faculty members 通过EGSC官方电子邮件. 

After entering the level of performance, faculty members can also indicate in each of their courses whether the student appears to be at risk to fail (or not), and select from a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏 参与,等等.). Using the “S” and “U” system eliminates the need to have an exact grade at this point in the 16-week semester, but still lets the student have 他/她的进步情况. 链接将到达 via email approximately 5-7 days before the due date for the “S/U” alerts. Generally, a “U” indicates that a student is performing at a level lower than a C. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in the class with feedback provided to the student to allow for the calculation of and 提交进度报告. 

Seven-Week 期中成绩:字母级 

By week 7 of the full 16-week semester, faculty members will assign midterm grades 以a的形式 信等级 所有学生. Responses will be made via a link generated in GradesFirst by the 电子学习副院长. 链接将 被送到… faculty members via EGA邮件. 当回应 to the link, faculty members can indicate in each of their courses whether the student appears to be at risk to fail (or not), and select from a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏 参与等.). 

By this point in the sixteen-week semester, faculty members should have several assessments from which to derive a 信等级 to assign to the student. 链接将到达 approximately 5-7 days before the due date for the seven-week midterm alerts, which will be due approximately 3 days before last day to withdraw 而不受惩罚. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in the class with feedback provided to the student to allow for the calculation of and 提交中期报告. 


Two-Week Progress Report: Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory 

八周学期的第二周, faculty members will respond with an “S” (Satisfactory/Successful) or “U” (Unsatisfactory/Unsuccessful) 所有学生 via a link generated in GradesFirst 由电子学习副院长主持. 链接将 被送到… faculty members 透过EGSC官方电邮. 当回应 to the link, faculty members can indicate in each of their courses whether the student appears to be at risk to fail (or not), and select from a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席, 缺乏参与等.). Using the “S” and “U” system eliminates the need to have an exact grade at this point in the 8-week semester. 

链接将到达 approximately 3 days before the due date for the “S/U” alerts with a clear “due” date for submission. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in the class with feedback provided to the student to allow for the calculation of and 提交进度报告. 

Four-Week 期中成绩:字母级 

By week four of an eight-week semester, faculty members will respond with a letter grade 所有学生 via a link generated in GradesFirst by the associate dean of 网络学习. 链接将 be delivered to faculty members 通过EGSC官方电子邮件. 当回应 to the link, faculty members can also indicate in each of their courses whether the student appears to be at risk to fail (or not), and select from a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏参与, 等.). 

链接将到达 approximately 5-7 days before the due date for the four-week “midterm” grades, which will be due approximately 3 days before last day to withdraw 而不受惩罚. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in the class with feedback provided to the student to allow for the calculation of and 提交期中成绩报告. 


Six-day Progress Report: Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory 

The four-week semester compacts a considerable amount of teaching and learning into 短暂的一段时间. Usually, the midpoint of a four-week semester is day eight or nine of the course, with the entire course being completed in approximately seventeen- eighteen days (depending on 假期 and exam dates). 

For this reason, faculty members will respond by day six of the course with an “S” (Satisfactory/Successful) or “U” (Unsatisfactory/Unsuccessful) 所有学生 via a link generated in GradesFirst 由电子学习副院长主持. 链接将 被送到… faculty members 通过EGSC官方电子邮件. 当回应 to the link, faculty members can also indicate in each of their courses whether the student appears to be at risk to fail (or not), and select from a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏参与, 等.). Using the “S” and “U” system eliminates the need to have an exact grade in such 短暂的一段时间. 

链接将到达 approximately 3 days before the due date for the “S/U” alerts. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in the class with feedback provided to the student to allow for the calculation of and 提交进度报告. 


By week two of a four-week semester, faculty members will respond with a 信等级 所有学生 via a link generated in GradesFirst 由电子学习副院长主持. 

链接将 be delivered to faculty members 通过EGSC官方电子邮件. 当回应 to the link, faculty members can also indicate in each of their courses whether the student appears to be at risk to fail (or not), and select from a variety of reasons why the student may be unsuccessful (i.e. 出席,缺乏参与, 等.). 

链接将到达 approximately 5-7 days before the due date for the two-week midterm grades, which will be due approximately 3 days before last day to withdraw without 点球. 

Faculty members must ensure that sufficient graded work has been administrated in the class with feedback provided to the student to allow for the calculation of and 提交期中成绩报告. 


Alerts will be sent to the retention team and the student’s advisor for any student who receives an Unsatisfactory indicator on a progress report and/or a midterm grade 低于C. Advisors and retention specialists will make a legitimate effort to contact the student to address any issues that may be barriers to success. 


Faculty members who are unable to complete the above grade alerts should speak with their deans and/or 直接主管s as soon as possible. 最终,责任 for tracking completion of grade alerts by faculty rests with the faculty member’s 直接主管. 

Supervisors should gather a list of all faculty in their areas who failed to report midterm and progress reports and send this to the Vice President for Academic and 学生事务. Such failures to report may factor into the annual evaluation of 教师由他们的导师指导. 

Calendar for Midterm Grades and Progress Reports

The Vice President for Academic and 学生事务 will send the schedule for midterm grades and progress reports listing specific dates. 本日历将分发 通过电子邮件发送给所有教员 members during the preceding semester when registration begins so that they may plan 相应的评估. The calendar will also be posted to the EGSC web site for 快速参考. 


A GradesFirst training course is available for all faculty members; new faculty members are 要求 to attend a GradesFirst training and should alert their dean or the associate dean for 网络学习 to be added to the training course. 
