Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10/22/19
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10-27-20


为了给十大正规网赌平台提供有效和高效的沟通 (EGSC)为教职员工和学生提供重要的校园活动和问题 而非关键的是,学院利用各种通知系统. 下面列出的 are the systems currently utilized by the college:

    • 黑板上连接 – for campus events/问题 that are critical/emergencies
    • Federal Signal Siren System -在斯温斯伯勒校区发生的重大事件/紧急事件
    • Monarch Broadcast Messaging – for campus events/问题 (i.e., new student orientations) that are non-emergency 在自然界中
    • Mongoose Cadence Text Messaging System -用于非紧急性质的双向校园通信.


本文档的目的/范围是提供有关每条短信/语音的信息 messaging system utilized by the college. The 信息 includes the purpose of 本系统,允许使用的系统,所采用的方法,告知员工和学生 对系统的可用性和订阅说明,由单位/工作人员负责 for the system and cost related 信息.



该系统用于通知学校的教职员工和学生 emergencies, such as campus closings due to inclement weather. 可以发送消息 via phone, text and email.

Permissible Use of System

此系统仅用于发送重要/紧急校园事件/问题的通知 和/或根据需要及时发送警告和紧急通知系统 by the Clery Act and the “EGSC Annual 安全 & 消防安全报告.”

Communication Method(s) for Service and Subscribing

EGSC students are informed of the ConnectED service via the online new student orientation. Students are automatically subscribed/opted into the service. 如何操作的信息 取消订阅服务和/或更改学生联系信息 该服务包含在十大正规网赌平台新生培训的“已连接”部分 在 ConnectED 信息 page on our website.

EGSC的教职员工通过EGSC十大正规网赌平台人力资源被告知连接服务 培训和员工发展模块,特别是通过EGSC员工手册 and via the online EGSC Emergency Response Flipchart. EGSC faculty and staff are automatically subscribed to the service via their EGSC email address. Information for faculty and 工作人员如何将电话和/或短信联系号码添加到服务中 可在 ConnectED 信息 page on our website.

Unit/Staff Responsible for System

由于需要与BANNER系统接口,信息技术(IT) is the primary unit responsible for the management of the system. 的通知 由机构促进部和警察局的工作人员提供 backup/secondary assistance to IT staff.


系统的成本包含在信息技术预算和更新中 每年10月. The cost of the system includes unlimited messaging.

Federal Signal Siren System


该系统用于通知学校的教职员工和学生 紧急情况,如恶劣天气或警察紧急情况在斯温斯伯勒校园. 讯息可透过警务处的电脑终端机传送。.

Permissible Use of System


Communication Method(s) for Service and Subscribing

该系统是一个室外警报器和扬声器,所以不需要订阅. 报道 is about 1 ½ miles from the speaker, in every direction.

Unit/Staff Responsible for System

因为系统只有一个终端,位于警察局,EGSC警察局 (PD)是负责系统管理的主要单位.


系统的成本包含在信息技术(IT)预算和更新中 每年. The cost of the system includes unlimited messaging.

Monarch Broadcast Messaging


To communicate with students regarding various 问题 (i.e., campus specific activities, missing documents, orientation, open house, 等.). EGSC staff sends voice message notifications to identified student populations at EGSC.

Permissible Use of System

本系统主要用于通知学生有关学生事务的信息 问题. 其他院系也有资格使用这项服务.e. AAMI, business office, marketing, 等.).

Communication Method(s) for Service and Subscribing

Calls are made from actual EGSC phone numbers. A list of students must be generated by the sender using an excel CSV file. Once the list is uploaded into the monarch broadcasting system, an automated message is recorded. From there, the sender selects the date and time of the message to be sent. After the calls have completed, an activity report is emailed to the unit coordinators.

Unit/Staff Responsible for System

主管学术与招生管理的副校长,东学部主任 Georgia State College – Augusta, and/or Director of 招生. 成本:向前发展, the cost of the system will come from one budget (IT). Money can be added to the account on an “as needed basis.”

Mongoose Cadence Text Messaging System


该系统是EGSC各校区之间的双向通信系统 EGSC单位和利益相关者有效地传达相关信息,如财务 助学金截止日期,学术建议,大学活动,事件,住房和奖学金 信息. 文本可以针对广泛的受众,也可以针对特定的性质 一人(i).e., missing document request). Parents, prospective students, alumni 其他利益相关者也可以通过此服务进行沟通.

Permissible Use of System

EGSC各部门将使用该系统进行非紧急、双向通信 目标受众(在校学生、准学生、家长、俱乐部、校友、 等.) using appropriate communication templates and responses. Activity reports will 根据需要生成,并用于系统价值的年度评估.

Communication Method(s) for Service and Subscribing

从Argos或其他学院赞助的数据库生成的手机号码列表, 将以excel CSV档案的形式上载至猫鼬音乐系统 用户. 然后,用户就可以向拥有该号码的手机发送短信 been downloaded into the Mongoose Cadence platform. Other stakeholders whose mobile 不下载的号码也可以通过发短信与用户交流 assigned Mongoose Cadence number. EGSC students are informed of the Mongoose Cadence system service via the online new student orientation. 任何个人如不再希望收到短信,可随时选择退出 通过文本请求或发送STOP到用户特定的猫鼬节奏号码.

Unit/Staff Responsible for System

一般监督由斯泰茨伯勒环境安全委员会主任提供,他将进行合作 与负责学术和招生管理的副校长,主任 十大正规网投平台十大正规网赌平台学生事务助理副校长, 和招生主任确保每个单位/部门正确使用系统 and to ensure training is provided each semester. Units/departments will have various assigned Administrative Users and Non-Administrative Users. Administrative Users are 定义为团队领导,将管理工具的成功并提供功能 支持. 他们可以导入和导出学生数据,创建和管理Mongoose用户 帐户,监控平台使用情况,并发起更大规模的短信活动. 非管理用户被定义为主动发短信、管理的工作人员 日常接触点和沟通,并与学生建立关系. 一些 单位/部门将有行政用户承担以下责任 a Non-Administrative User. Each 用户 must complete the Mongoose Cadence Training and 政策确认表格(随附),必须在接下来的每个学期更新 the semesterly system training. Supervisors of the 用户s and the Director of EGSC-Statesboro will approve the acknowledgment form each semester. Any 用户 who does not complete 在培训结束前,他们的Mongoose帐户将被禁用 完成.


该系统的成本将包括在信息技术预算中 每年更新. 

Mongoose Cadence Training and Policy Acknowledgement Form (PDF)