11.IT设备购置/资产管理及确认政策 & 程序


This policy is to facilitate the purchasing and use of IT / microcomputer equipment 以及在十大正规网赌平台校园使用的软件. 这一政策要正式制定 the procedure for the approval, acquisition, and management of hardware and software for microcomputer 系统 and other related IT 系统 throughout the College. 所有 本计划涵盖学院各部门/单位.



    1. Formalize the local approval process for the purchase of microcomputer 系统.
    2. 建立审批流程的步骤.
    3. 建立微型计算机的硬件和软件标准.
    4. Establish standards for communication and networking capabilities for microcomputer 系统.
    5. Provide detailed information about standards for microcomputer 系统 in order that 符合标准的适当系统很容易识别.


The approval process for the purchase of 它的设备 and/or microcomputer system 硬件和软件将包括以下步骤:

    1. Prior to purchasing any microcomputer system or related 它的设备, the requestor must first consult 与 the college's 信息技术 Department to ensure that the system / equipment and/or software will function properly 与 the college's 网络配置和其他相关IT配置. 另外,通过咨询 与 资讯科技署 prior to purchase, this helps to ensure 设备和服务不会重复.
    2. 所有 requests for purchasing microcomputer 系统 and related IT information equipment will require the completion of the college's departmental request form or purchase card request form – both of these forms are available via the College's Intranet site ——第一次世界大战.shanemichaelmurray.com.
    3. Prior to submitting request to the College's business office and/or department / division head, all requests must be routed to the College's Vice President for Information 审批技术. 如有需要,可以将请求退回给发信人 更正和/或更改. 负责信息技术的副总裁会 协助申请人准备申请以供批准.
    4. If a request is not approved 由负责信息技术的副总裁, the request will be returned to the originator 与 comments and an explanation of the 反对.
    5. 所有 purchase requests will adhere to current 佐治亚大学系统 purchasing 程序.


The following minimum standards will be followed when requesting computer workstations:

    1. Intel Pentium IV, or greater, microprocessor HP is currently the state vendor of choice 适用于电脑工作站. 除非获得许可,否则不得订购Apple / Macintosh电脑 信息技术副总裁的事先批准.
    2. 至少4GB的RAM和升级功能.
    3. 显示器- 1024 x 768 VGA非隔行英特尔机器. 最少17英寸平板 应获得面板显示.
    4. Minimum of 200GB hard drive; 24X CD-ROM or 4X DVD drive 与 CD / DVD burner.
    5. Ethernet card capable of connection to campus network – minimum 10/100/1000MB card.
    6. 零件,维修,现场服务至少三年保修.

所有微型计算机系统将从国家合同中购买. 所有请求必须 give the name and location of recommended vendor and state contract number. 请求 for microcomputers from sources other than state contracts will not be approved unless 所要求的设备无法从国家合同中获得.

Computer 系统 and peripherals will be installed/moved, maintained, and/or inventoried 只允许信息技术人员使用. 唯一的例外是学院的工厂运营 工作人员, who often assist 资讯科技署 与 moving/relocating 它的设备. 信息技术部将维护学院计算机的库存 Access数据库中的系统. 数据库中包含硬件信息 of the computer – processor, type, RAM, hard drive, IP address, Mac address, and college 贴花库存编号(如有). 还包括员工和部门 负责设备. 每台计算机上加载的软件目录是 maintained to insure that license agreements are not violated and that users do not download software that could interfere 与 the supported software already installed.

The 工作人员 members of the EGSC 信息技术 Department are not responsible for providing technical support 对教师, 工作人员, students or other related parties 与 个人拥有 IT设备和/或软件.

- - The only exception to 资讯科技署's 工作人员 being responsible 为个人拥有的资讯科技设备提供支援(例如.e.,笔记本电脑,笔记本电脑) is (1) for assisting faculty, 工作人员, students or guests of the college who are experiencing problems accessing the college's wireless Internet service or (2) for providing assistance 对教师 & 在使用EGSC VPN远程访问时遇到的问题. 请参考 to the "信息技术 Support Services Policy" for additional information 十大正规网投平台这个问题.


Microcomputer 系统 that were purchased by the College will continue to be used/refurbished 期限不超过五(5)年. 仅供学院工作人员查阅 技术部可能执行翻新任务. 已经过时的系统 or that have surpassed the five-year life expectancy period will be sent to the local state surplus facility or transferred to other qualifying State of Georgia entities. Under no circumstances may any college-owned computer related equipment (whether outdated or otherwise) and/or software be loaned to (temporarily or long-term) individuals 或者其他各方.


(请参阅 十大正规网赌平台批准的软件/应用程序政策 有关获批准的软件和应用程序的更多信息.)


    1. 工作站机器的操作系统是Windows 7.
    2. The college's approved office application is Microsoft Office Professional Edition -当前版本.
    3. 学院认可的病毒防护软件是McAfee.
    4. Only the following Email applications will be supported by 信息技术: Eudora, Outlook, Outlook Express.

- Any software that must be installed on one or more of the college's network servers 必须首先得到学院信息技术部的批准. 安装 这些软件的操作将只由信息技术人员完成.

- 所有 requests for software will be subject to the review of the Vice President for 信息技术.

- Each semester, faculty will be notified (via email) of a deadline for submitting 下学期的软件安装要求. 截止日期过后, any request for software installation for the following semester must be approved 由负责信息技术的副总裁.

- Software requests for the college's academic labs will be reviewed by the division 由主管信息技术的副总裁主持并批准.

- 所有 software and licenses will be received and inventoried by the 信息技术 工作人员. The software and licenses will be stored in 资讯科技署. Where economically feasible, software licenses will be purchased for the College through 资讯科技署.

- 所有 software will be loaded and installed by 信息技术 工作人员.

- 信息技术 工作人员 will request quotes from vendors for software and hardware.