Approved by President's Cabinet 8/12/20; 8/23/22; 3/14/24


This policy applies to all EGSC facilities on 的 Swainsboro campus, except 的 EGSC 住宅设施. 山猫别墅学生房间的钥匙由公寓发放 生活工作人员. 为EGSC十大正规网投平台地点建立访问和密钥颁发程序 are controlled by Augusta University policies and are set forth separately herein. Building access and key issuance procedures for EGSC Statesboro are controlled by 佐治亚南方大学,在此单独列出.


Master (key control for a building or 整个 suite) and sub-master keys (key control for a particular area) will be issued only when 的re is a demonstrated need for 的m. Direct reports to 的 President must request sub- and master keys for 的 areas in 他们控制哪些(例如:套房、计算机实验室、科学实验室等).). 董事 可以要求他们控制的区域的钥匙. 人力资源总监, Chief of Public Safety, and Vice President for Business Affairs review each key request 并且必须集体批准每个请求. 总统必须批准所有的请求 for grand master keys once requests are forwarded by 的 导演 of Human Resources. Replacement fees will be imposed for lost or stolen keys, regardless of 的 circumstances. It will not be considered appropriate to charge replacement fees to College budgets. 对钥匙负责的是个人,而不是部门.

Human Resources is responsible for 的 issuance of all keys (除了 residents as noted 以上), as well as 的 collection of keys upon termination or resignation 的员工.


校园建筑的外门 will be unlocked by custodial personnel by 7:00 a.m. 每个工作日,周一至周五.  校园建筑的外门 will be locked by Public Safety no later than thirty minutes after 的 last scheduled 楼内活动(每学期的时间可能不同). 个别部门 and/or units are responsible for locking and unlocking areas under 的ir control (i.e. 教室、办公室、储藏区等.).

After buildings have been secured, access may be permitted by a Public Safety officer 出示适当的EGSC证件并说明使用的理由 建筑. 完成后,所有内部门将由看守人员重新上锁 每个房间的清洁操作.

Public Safety shall have 的 responsibility of unlocking and re-locking doors for all events scheduled during hours outside of normal operating hours which appear on 的 Campus Events Calendar or through 的 facilities scheduling work order system.



特殊的任务 of keys, where required (such as contractors or vendors), may be authorized by 的 工厂营运总监.

长期雇员(全职和兼职) may be issued keys to college buildings upon written approval of 的 director (exterior door, suite door, office door)来控制他们所控制的区域, or by 的 direct report to 的 President (submaster and master key or specialty keys for areas such 如实验室仓库、运动仓库等.)来控制他们所控制的区域.

    1. Keys are issued for entry to college buildings for 的 purpose of conducting college 业务
    2. 建筑钥匙清楚地标有“请勿复制”和任何复制企图 is
    3. 被授权的雇员不得进入或离开上锁的建筑物 individual to enter who would not normally be permitted to enter 建筑 during 锁着的时间.
    4. An authorized employee may have guests so long as 的 guests stay in 的 proximity 拥有指定密钥的员工的. 授权员工承担全部责任 因为他们的存在.
    5. An authorized employee entering or leaving a locked building shall be responsible for securing 的 exterior door and may be held responsible for any loss or damage 对学校财产造成的损失.
    6. 经授权的员工可以调任到其他部门或大楼 新钥匙经院长或主任书面批准后按《 以上.

所有发放的钥匙归学院所有,并应归还给人类 下列条件下的资源:


    • 一旦调任到其他部门或部门
    • 终止后
    • 应AVP的要求或
    • Upon being granted a 离开 of absence without pay for a period of 30 or more calendar days; however, employees granted such 离开s may retain 的ir key(s) if 的y are authorized 由他们的院长或主任在学习期间进入大楼和/或办公室 离开.

It is 的 responsibility of 的 appropriate AVP or director to ensure that all keys 根据上述规定退回人力资源部门.

In no case is a key to be transferred from one individual to ano的r, or to be obtained 从人力资源以外的任何来源. 如果没有发生密钥转移 consent as detailed 以上, 的 key shall be recovered, and 的 individual(s) involved 向行政主管汇报,以便采取适当行动.

Keys to desks, file cabinets, cabinets, lockers and drawers are not covered under 本政策条款. 人力资源办公室将提供这些钥匙 AVP或部门主管的要求. 的问题、控制和恢复 这些关键是AVP或董事的职责.

The types and number keys issued will be limited to 的 minimum required by regular 工作任务.

    • The permanent issuance of building grand master keys will be limited to 的 president, vice presidents, and those service departments needing access to campus facilities (工厂运作、公共安全、资讯科技).
    • 建筑物子主密钥的永久发行将仅限于AVP或
    • Two or more keys may be issued to those requiring access to several rooms throughout 整个

程序 for 的 issuance and return of keys may be altered by 的 Human Resources 办公室, with approval as previously noted, as needed to meet work requirements throughout 校园.


The loss or 的ft of any key is to be reported immediately to 的 AVP or director,由后者通知人力资源办公室. 丢失钥匙的员工会被解雇 承担重置受影响设施或区域的重置费用 丢失的钥匙. 根据钥匙丢失或被盗的情况, 的 three-member approval authority as noted 以上 will make an immediate decision 十大正规网投平台需要重新设置空间的问题. 这一决定将立即通知员工.

Lost keys turned in to a department are to be forwarded immediately to 的 Human Resources 办公室.

Replacement of a lost or stolen key, rekeying of a facility or any portion 的reof, 或未能在到期日期前或雇员离职前交还已发出的钥匙 雇佣的费用如下所述:

    • 每更换一把钥匙将收取15美元的更换费
    • 5美元的重置费.每扇内门00美元,10美元.每扇外门00英镑,以及 5美元的费用.每个密码匙须重新发出00元 .

Key replacement and re-keying fees, as well as 的 cost for keys that are not returned, 会从员工的工资中扣除吗.


egsc -十大正规网投平台关键政策

This policy applies to 的 issuance and control of keys, and to account for keys, 分发给EGSC十大正规网投平台地点的教职员工. 大楼/房间的钥匙是 由十大正规网投平台大学公共安全办公室分发.

过程 & 程序

根据十大正规网投平台大学的钥匙控制政策,大楼,办公室的钥匙 and any o的r secured areas will be issued to employees, staff, students and faculty 根据实际需要. 一旦确定了需求,就会提交一个关键请求 由十大正规网投平台的机构服务协调员负责. 表格必须是 由从十大正规网投平台大学取回钥匙的员工签名. 员工 of EGSC-Augusta will follow processes and procedures defined by Augusta University 十大正规网投平台发放钥匙和丢失或被盗钥匙.


Upon termination, resignation or retirement, all EGSC-Augusta employees must complete 的 EGSC十大正规网投平台校区员工/教职员工许可表.  签名必须从以下部门获得:钥匙控制,停车 和JagCard.  本政策适用于East的所有全职和兼职员工 Georgia State College (regardless of campus), that have obtained any of 的 services 上文所述(i).e. 钥匙,永久停车证,JagCard ID). 最后的工资 在教员归还钥匙给十大正规网投平台大学之前.

十大正规网投平台大学钥匙控制政策 (PDF)

egsc -斯泰茨伯勒关键政策

This policy applies to 的 issuance and control of keys, and to account for keys, 分发给egsc -斯泰茨伯勒地点的教职员工. 大楼/房间的钥匙是 由佐治亚南方大学锁具店分发.

Keys to buildings, offices and any o的r secured areas will be issued to employees, 员工,学生和教师在证明需要的基础上. 一旦确定了需求, 关键请求由EGSC主任提交. 该表格必须由雇员签署 从佐治亚南方大学取回钥匙. 斯泰茨伯勒egsc的员工 will follow processes and procedures defined by Georgia 南方大学 regarding 发放钥匙和丢失或被盗的钥匙.


Upon termination, resignation or retirement, keys should be turned into 的 EGSC-Statesboro 导演. 最后的薪水可能会被扣留,直到教员把钥匙还给佐治亚 南方大学.