

The CatCard is the official identification card of 十大正规网赌平台.

The card is used for campus identification, card access for services including, but 不限于餐饮、住宿和售货.



Card data, including student ID number and photo, may be used for EGSC purposes.

Card is only valid while card holder is a registered student, active EGSC employee, or Fitness Center patron, or until the card expires or is revoked.

Altering or intentionally damaging 的CatCard, using another person’s CatCard, or allowing another to use their CatCard may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation.

It is the cardholder’s responsibility to notify the 业务办公室 immediately if 卡丢失或被盗.


山猫雄鹿 is a declining balance or pre-paid funds program that can be accessed 通过猫卡,方便持卡人. 账户是在 same time 的CatCard is created with a zero ($0) balance and cannot be used unless 资金完全由持卡人自行决定. 只接受山猫雄鹿队 校园.

There is no daily limit on the number of purchases that may be made and debited; however, 任何借方或费用不得超过存款金额.


The account is activated automatically upon receipt by 学院 of an initial deposit and the cardholder is responsible for monitoring the account balance and for all purchases 存款.

Account information may be obtained anytime through the myEGSC web portal, Bobcat 雄鹿的链接. Deposits may be made at the reverse ATM located in the JAM Student Activities Center on the Swainsboro campus using cash or through the web portal link. 所有存款 会立即可用吗.


Merchandise may be accepted for return in accordance with the refund policy in effect 在购买产品或服务的地点. 任何退款都应记入贷方 to the cardholder’s account; no cash refunds will be made for any purchase made with 的CatCard. Requests for refunds from 山猫雄鹿 are granted at graduation, withdrawal, transfer-out, and termination of employment by written request and must be requested 事件发生后180天内. (例外:山猫的余额为10美元.00或更少 不获退款). 180天后的余额将被没收,并成为 学院的财产. 退款申请表格可在此找到.


Card balance refunds will be processed within thirty (30) days of the receipt of request.

Card balances that have been inactive for a period 180 days become the property of 学院.

The College will not be liable if through no fault of the 业务办公室 there are insufficient funds to complete a transfer, there is documented system failure or there are circumstances beyond the 业务办公室s’ control (such as fire, flood, earthquake, 内乱等),这阻碍了转移.

If the cardholder attempts to use the account when there are not enough funds in the 山猫雄鹿的账户,交易不会被批准. 然而,应该是罕见的 occasion arise when, due to a systems problem or otherwise, a purchase occurs with not enough funds in the account (creating a “shortage” or “negative amount”), the “欠费”将自动从下次存款中扣除. 另外, the 业务办公室 will bill for a negative balance that is on the system for more 超过五(5)天,并保留评估15美元的权利.00手续费. 业务 Office is entitled to freeze any funds remaining in a 山猫雄鹿 account in the event a credit card charge submitted for payment is returned unpaid. 重复的情况下 of shortages or negative amounts will be grounds for cancellation of participation. If the cardholder is a student, he or she will be placed on hold until all charges 被清除. If the cardholder is an employee, he or she will have 2 weeks to pay. If the negative amount is not paid within two weeks, the amount will be deducted from 员工的薪水.


Should be immediately reported to the Business office, or to the EGSC 警察局.

Cardholder is liable for any unauthorized use of the card, and all accounts on it, 直到通知商务办公室为止. 一旦通知,商务办公室将冻结 该帐户防止未经授权的使用.

警方报告不免除换卡费用. 卡片失效 due to normal use will be replaced at no cost upon presentation of the card to the 业务办公室.


If there is an error on an activity statement, or if the cardholder would like more information about a specific transaction, the 业务办公室 may be contacted by phone at 478-289-2365 or by mail within sixty (60) days of noticing the error. In the event of verbal notification, the 业务办公室 may require the cardholder submit 十(10)个工作日的书面通知. 如果活动语句有 show transactions that were not made by the cardholder, the 业务办公室 should 立即通知.


业务 office will only disclose information to third parties about the account or the transfers made when it is necessary for completing transfers, in order to comply with a government subpoena or court order, or if cardholder gives written permission. The College will comply with all applicable laws and College policy regarding the 使用存储图像的信息. 


The College shall mail, email to cardholder’s College email account, or deliver a written notice at least twenty–one (21) days before the effective date of any change in terms or conditions if the change would result in increased fees, charges, or increased 持卡人的责任. 如需立即更改,无须事先通知 in terms or conditions is necessary to maintain or restore the security of an electronic 基金转移.

By using the card, I agree to the policies and procedures relating to 的CatCard 程序. I authorize 十大正规网赌平台 to apply any financial aid that I 收到进入我的学生账户的费用. 我已阅读以上内容并同意 that I will be held liable in accordance with the terms and conditions of this document.