Adopted by President’s Cabinet 9/7/16; AE 11/17/22

Students who have a complaint about accommodations provided by East Georgia State College must attempt to resolve conflicts by contacting the EGSC counselor/disability service provider with whom they have applied for services. EGSC有辅导员/残疾人 service provider on-site at Swainsboro located in Strange Clubhouse adjacent to Bobcat EGSC的别墅. 的 EGSC counselor provides disability services for 学生s at all 地点:Swainsboro, Statesboro和Augusta. 



    1. the denial of eligibility for temporary or permanent accommodations,
    2. the specific accommodation requested by the 学生 will not be provided, and/or
    3. failure of EGSC to provide the approved accommodation to the 学生.

If a 学生 believes the denial of the requested or approved accommodation is based on discrimination due to the 学生’s disability, the 学生 is directed to the 学院的 非歧视和反骚扰政策


的 学生 may appeal the disability service provider’s 决定 to the Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services located on the Swainsboro campus, unless 主任做了最初的决定.*上诉必须以书面形式提出; must state the grounds for the appeal, and must be submitted within five business days of the 决定 rendered 由残疾服务提供者提供. 如果上诉是 submitted after this five business day deadline, the Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services will notify the 学生/complainant (in writing) that the 学生 is ineligible to appeal due to not meeting the appeal 提交截止日期. 收到合格的 appeal, the director will investigate the complaint and 使 合理的努力来解决问题. 调查应是非正式的,但 thorough, affording all persons an opportunity 提交证据或有关资料. 的 Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services will have five 工作日 to review the information and transmit a written 决定 to the 学生/complainant.

*If the Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services is the disability service provider who made the original 决定 for which the 学生 is dissatisfied, the 学生/complainant must forward their written appeal to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student  Affairs (PVPASA) of 十大正规网赌平台 within five 工作日. 的 appeal must be submitted in writing, must state the grounds for the appeal, and must be submitted within five 工作日 of the 决定 rendered 由残疾服务提供者提供. 如果上诉是 submitted after this five business day deadline, the PVPASA will notify the 学生/complainant (in writing) of their ineligibility to appeal due to not meeting the appeal 提交截止日期. 的PVPASA will investigate the complaint and 使 reasonable effort to resolve the matter. 的 investigation shall be informal but thorough, affording all persons an opportunity 提交证据或有关资料. PVPASA将有五个工作日 to review the information and transmit a written 决定 to the 学生/complainant.


If the results of this process are unsatisfactory to the 学生, he or she may appeal 致总统 of 十大正规网赌平台 within five 工作日 of the 决定. 的 appeal must be submitted in writing, must state the grounds for the appeal, and must be submitted within five 工作日 of the 决定 rendered by the disability service provider or PVPASA and should be directed to the Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services located on the Swainsboro Campus at 131大学圈, Swainsboro, Ga. 30401. 如果上诉是 submitted after this five business day deadline, the Director of Counseling and Accessibility Services will notify the 学生/complainant (in writing) and President of his or her ineligibility to appeal due to not meeting the appeal 提交截止日期. 的 appeal 致总统 will be an appeal on the record. No additional investigation or interviews will be conducted and no additional information 可以提交考虑吗. 的 President of 十大正规网赌平台 will:

    1. have five 工作日 to review the appeal and transmit a written 决定 to the 学生.
    2. Or, 的 President will have five 工作日 to form a committee of two faculty members and one staff employee who will review the appeal and 使 a written recommendation 致总统. Upon receipt of the recommendation from the Committee, the President will have five 工作日 to consider and transmit a written 决定 to the 学生/complainant.

的 决定 of the President of 十大正规网赌平台 is the final institutional 决定. Should the 学生 be dissatisfied with the 决定, he/she may file an application for discretionary review in writing to the Board of Regents (http://www.the U政府.edu/policymanual). 的 决定 of the President of 十大正规网赌平台 is final until a ruling 是由校董会制定的吗. 使用此申诉程序不限制 学生’s pursuit of other remedies, including the right to pursue a complaint with 美国.S. 教育部,民权办公室.