Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10/17/17; updated 8/23/22

I. 政策范围

十大正规网赌平台 (EGSC) considers the safety and welfare of its students, 教职员工是重中之重.  When a student engages in behavior that violates East Georgia’s rules of conduct, the behavior will be addressed as a disciplinary matter under the applicable Student 进行代码.  《十大正规网赌平台》规定 prohibited conduct and outlines a process for conducting disciplinary proceedings. 

这 临时停牌政策 is intended to apply when a student’s observed conduct, actions and/or statements pose a serious and immediate danger or threat to persons 或财产. There may be situations when both this 临时停牌政策 and 学生行为准则适用. 

II. 标准

An interim suspension should only occur where necessary to maintain safety and should be limited to those situations where the student respondent poses a serious and immediate 对人或财产的危险或威胁. 在作出评估时,政府工作小组会考虑 (1) the existence of a significant risk to the health or safety of the alleged victim or the campus community; (2) the nature, duration and severity of the risk; (3) the probability of potential injury; and (4) whether less restrictive means can be used 以显著降低风险. In addition, per USG Policy, interim suspension may be implemented when the student is charged with or indicted for a felony or crime involving moral turpitude, pending disposition of the charges.

3. 定义

Interim Suspension is the immediate and temporary ban of the student from campus due to the serious and immediate danger the student poses to persons 或财产.

IV. 过程

A. Review, Notification and Approval of USG System Director

Upon receipt of a report of student misconduct, the Associate Vice President (AVP) 自己的行为 & 第九条或AVP的指定人的遗嘱 review the complaint to determine whether the allegations describe conduct in violation of EGSC policies or Student 进行代码.  If the allegation describes conduct in violation of EGSC policies or 学生行为准则,AVP行为准则 & 第九条或AVP的指定人的遗嘱 对该学生提出指控.

当行为副总裁 & 第九条或AVP designee, based on a student’s conduct, actions or statements, has reasonable cause to believe that the student meets one or more of the criteria for interim suspension, he or she will initiate an assessment of the student’s ability to safely participate in the College’s program.

行为副总裁 & 第九条或AVP的指定人的遗嘱 promptly report all initial allegations of conduct that could lead to interim suspension and any allegations not initially identified but later discovered through the investigation, to the University 乔治亚州系统主任(USGSD). USGSD将与AVP就行为问题展开合作 & 第九条或AVP designee and/or 第九条 Coordinator or the Coordinator’s designee, where appropriate, to determine if interim measures are needed, to assign an investigator and collaboratively supervise the investigation. 行为副总裁 & 第九条或AVP designee is responsible for the enactment, enforcement, and management of the interim suspension of the student.

B. 学生会议的初步机会

Before an interim suspension is issued, 行为副总裁 & 第九条或AVP designee will make reasonable efforts to give the student the opportunity to be heard on whether his or her presence on campus poses a serious and immediate danger. 这 will consist of a meeting with the student to (1) review available information regarding the behavior and/or incidents which have caused concern, (2) provide the student with a copy of this 临时停牌政策 and 过程 and discuss its contents with the student, and (3) provide the student with an opportunity to explain his/her behavior and whether his or her presence on campus poses a serious and immediate danger.

Following this meeting, if the assessment of 行为副总裁 & 第九条或 AVP’s designee is that the student cannot safely participate in the College’s programs, 行为副总裁 & 第九条或AVP的指定人的遗嘱 proceed with interim suspension. When an interim suspension is issued, the terms of the suspension take effect immediately.

The Respondent shall receive notice of the interim suspension and the opportunity 对临时暂停作出回应.

C. 临时停牌的质疑

Within three open campus days of receiving a challenge, either in writing or via EGSC email, to an interim suspension, EGSC will determine whether interim suspension should 继续. Upon receipt of any challenge, 行为副总裁 & 第九条或指定名称 will notify the Provost and Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs or designee and provide all relevant materials that were used in arriving at the interim suspension. 这只是对记录的回顾. 教务长兼教务长 and Student Affairs or designee will notify both 行为副总裁 & 第九条或 designee and the Respondent of the determination and the rationale of that determination.