

EGSC carries out the job of academic advising as a team, with each member of that 团队成员清楚地了解他或她在为学生提供建议方面的角色. 这个团队 members include students, who have a responsibility to define their academic goals; professional academic advisement staff, whose training and expertise will guide students through the variety of programs that are available to them; full-time faculty, whose 他们学科的经验对学生来说是宝贵的资源. 每个成员 of the team will work in harmony with others in order to assist students as they select 从提供的课程和学习计划中 在EGSC. 

In accordance with revised BOR policy (see Appendix A), EGSC adopts the following 所有校园的学术建议框架: 

1. EGSC academic advisement staff advise students with learning support requirements and aid the students in following their designated guided academic pathway (空白) 毕业计划. 

2. 双注册学生将由双注册协调员指导. 

3. Student athletes will be advised by the Assistant Director of the Learning Commons 军事资源中心和运动顾问. · 

请参阅 运动员学术指导计划 有关详细信息,. 

4. 教师顾问将为没有学习支持要求的学生提供建议. 

Students should be strongly encouraged to choose a major during their first thirty credit hours and will be assigned to faculty advisors during their first term of attendance 在EGSC, this is, if a student does not have learning support requirements and is 不分配给专业的学术指导人员. 确定专业的学生 supported by EGSC should request a transfer to a faculty advisor for that program, 如果符合条件. 没有申报学校支持专业的学生将被告知 作为通识专业. 通识课程的学生知道他们的 major will be at another institution should be advised by a faculty member whose subject 与学生预期专业最密切相关的领域. 

5. Advisor Holds will remain on for all students regardless of credit hours earned. 

All students are required to meet with their assigned academic or faculty advisor 在注册课程之前. 这个要求的好处是双重的:首先, it will reduce the number of mistakes that result from student "self-advising"; and second, the college can use advisor holds to ensure that students comply with federal student aid regulations that prevent federal aid from being used for courses that 不符合学生的学位课程. 

6. Each academic year, should the need arise, EGSC will offer updated training for 所有学术/教师顾问. 

第二节.USG学术和学生事务手册第7条规定:“每个机构 shall establish training sessions associated with academic advising such that faculty advisors are aware of the rules and regulations associated with the core curriculum, 转学、学生身份和评分政策." 

Training sessions will be performed by those who can give the most up-to-date information regarding academic advising practices, implementation of USG academic advising initiatives (e.g. mathematics pathways), changes to advisement policies and procedures, and revisions 通知文件(e.g. 空白). 这些更新将确保顾问提供 为学生提供准确和有用的信息. 

Additional training sessions for special groups of students (such as Correll Scholars 学生运动员也会根据需要安排. 

7. Students will be assigned to full-time faculty advisors in a manner that ensures 分布奇偶性. 

It is important that no faculty advisor is overloaded with advisees while others have too few, so the Deans from each School will ensure parity in the distribution of advisees 在教师. 

8. Faculty advisors have full discretion in the use of their weekly office hours for 他们的咨询职责. 



第三节.校董会政策手册第9条: "Each USG institution shall maintain an academic advising framework to develop cognitive and non-cognitive skills in each student that promote a productive academic mindset and result in a clear understanding of educational, professional, and personal goals 以及实现这些目标的计划." 

第二节.《十大正规网赌平台》第7条: "Each institution shall follow these general guidelines in establishing their academic 咨询项目: 

        • Each institution shall establish academic advising procedures within the academic 组成学院或大学的单位. 
        • These academic advising procedures shall have baseline minimal uniformity in application 同时根据个别学生的具体需求量身定制. 
        • Each institution shall establish training sessions associated with academic advising such that faculty advisors are aware of the rules and regulations associated with 核心课程、转学、学生身份和评分政策. 
        • Institutions that have advising units outside of academic units will be responsible for keeping abreast of changes in academic curricula and requirements as stipulated 由院校和个别学术单位组成. 
        • Student appeals concerning academic advising will follow the institutional appeals 过程.” 

南方学院和学校协会 - 高等院校委员会(SACSCOC) 

12节.1: “The institution provides appropriate academic and student support programs, services, 以及与其使命相一致的活动 (学术 & 学生支援服务).” 


来自CAS: "Academic advising personnel may be full-time or part-time professionals for whom advising is a primary or secondary function; they also may be faculty members whose 职责包括提供建议. 非专业人员(e.g.研究生、实习生、 或助理)和同侪顾问可以协助顾问." 


从NACADA: "The 全国学术咨询协会 is comprised of professional and faculty advisors, administrators, students, and others with a primary interest 在学术指导的实践中. 有着不同的背景,观点和 experiences, NACADA members advise in a variety of settings and work to promote quality 在他们的机构内提供学术咨询. NACADA承认并庆祝 contributions of professional, faculty, para-professional, and peer advisors to the 咨询行业. NACADA承认高等教育机构的复杂性 and the role academic advising plays within them, the wide variety of settings and responsibilities of academic advisors, and advisors' diverse backgrounds and experiences. NACADA provides a Statement of Core Values to affirm the importance of advising within the academy and acknowledge the impact that advising interactions can have on individuals, 机构与社会... 《十大正规网赌平台》并不试图发号施令 the manner in or 过程 through which academic advising takes place, nor does it 提倡一种特定的咨询理念或模式."